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The biggest football pool of all time keeps rolling, with $9.267 million awaiting the eventual winner of the 2023-24 Circa Survivor Pro Football Contest.
This year’s contest comes with a new feature – the ability for players that still have a live entry to sell that entry, essentially cashing out early from the pool.
You can visit the Survivor Sweat website right now and engage in the Marketplace, where this exciting new economy surrounding the Circa Survivor pool lives. The Marketplace includes:
Selling Survivor Entries
If you’re still alive in the 2023-24 Circa Survivor contest, you can visit the Survivor Sweat Marketplace and put your entry up for sale.
For example, an entry that’s still in the hunt for the grand prize through Week 7 recently sold for $8,000. The player that sold the entry gets an 8x return on their original $1,000 buy-in, while the buyer gets a chance to enter the contest with the first seven weeks already clear.
The buyer takes over the entry with the seven teams already used by the previous owner out of play, per the rules of the contest. For $8,000, the new buyer now gets to join the contest just before Week 8, with the Ravens, Bills, Chiefs, 49ers, Lions, Dolphins, and Seahawks already used.
Buying Survivor Entries
If you missed the deadline to enter the Circa Survivor pool from the beginning, you’re still in luck. If you did enter the contest but your entries have all busted, you still have a chance to get back in the running for a potential life-changing payday.
As the weeks roll on in the contest, expect to see more live players put their undefeated entries up for sale in the Marketplace. With each week that plays out, however, the prices for those entries will go up.
Survivor Sweat reached out to the happy seller and asked them to share a quick thought about their decision to list one of their remaining entries.
“This is my 3rd year in the contest. I had a top 50 finish year 1, then a top 100 finish year 2. Both times it was a great sweat and lots of fun, but I busted and got no money back. So the opportunity to take some money off the table was something I couldn’t pass up this year. I sold 99% so I still have a small sweat, I’m hoping the buyer takes it down.”
Survivor Sweat Marketplace Pros And Cons
What are the pros and cons of this new midseason buy/sell feature? Let’s take a look:
The Pros – The buy/sell option gives players the chance to cash in on success in the early weeks of the pool. Instead of seeing seven weeks of correct picks eventually lead to $0, that 7-0 ticket turns into a nice $8,000 payday.
It also gives players that got knocked out early the opportunity to buy back into the contest, albeit at a much higher price point.
The buy/sell midseason option creates an all-new game within the game in the Survivor Pool, and could encourage even more players to sign up next year.
The Cons – The whole point of entering is to win the $9.267 million right? If you cash out early you’re not going to win the grand prize.
The new feature could also open up the possibility of deep-pocketed (aka rich) players to wait until the late weeks of the contest, then use their bankroll to buy up a large number of entries that are just a few picks away from winning the grand prize.
Imagine if some high roller bought 50 entries for $20,000 apiece after week 16 of the Survivor pool. Is that good for the game?
Where To Find The Survivor Sweat Marketplace
If you’re looking to buy or sell a Circa Survivor entry in progress, click the “Marketplace” tab in the menu at the top of the screen.
Good luck!